Symphony of Lacrimosa

Originially written in 1995
This was one of my first real attempts at writing fiction and it has REALLY not aged well at all, but I am posting it here so that maybe someone else can find something to enjoy about it...or laugh at it, that works too.

The chilled night air resonated with the sounds of laughter and conversation, as symphonic music played throughout the palace grounds. The halls of the Royal Palace were overflowing with the rich and powerful, busy making toasts to their wealth. The heavenly scent of freshly served foods and tender sweet delicacies filled the air. But none of this mattered to Amelia Rosen.

The sights of the palace flashed by as Amelia ran through hallway after hallway, weaving between couples and dodging drunken guests as her dark golden hair flared out behind her. Her cheeks were burning red as tears cascaded from her eyes.

“This wasn’t what I wanted. Why did this have to happen here? Why did this have to happen tonight?”

Partygoers stood by and watched on as the humiliated girl raced by. Some of the spectators chattered amongst themselves, while others found humor in the young lady’s misery. Her heart pounding, Amelia searched desperately for a place to escape to. A room, a closet, a bathroom, any place where people weren’t.

As she approached the end of a particularly long hallway, the crowd of people had thinned out significantly, allowing Amelia to see the end of the hall. At the end of the corridor, Amelia noticed an open door, and saw that there was no one on the other side: the perfect place to hide away from the rest of the judgmental crowd. Without wasting a moment, Amelia ducked into the room.

After throwing the door closed, Amelia slumped down onto the floor, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to control her crying.

“W-Why did she h-have to be so mean” she asked aloud, her voice shaky and quiet. “I…just want t-to go home. I-I don’t want t-t-to be h-here. I’m…I’m so ugly.”

Amelia’s tears rained down over her vermilion skirt as she clutched tightly at the skirt’s black lace. A large patch of her skirt was missing, having been torn off. The lamenting girl sat there for what felt like hours before she managed to quell her weeping.

Taking a few minutes to compose herself, she stood up and looked around.

Where…exactly am I? I was crying so hard that I didn’t even think about where I was going…I just ran…

The room was very different from the rest of the palace, as the chamber had panes of glass instead of walls that glistened with the light of the stars. Through the glass, Amelia could see the twin moons overhead, both glowing defiantly in the nighttime sky. The cold floor was carved from marble and detailed with an intricate floral design.

A sudden chilled breeze rushed past her, making Amelia turn to see where the breeze had come from. Across from her, an open door led out into an endless grove that shimmered in the moonlight. Had Amelia stumbled across the entrance to the Royal Family’s garden? The urge to venture out into the grove possessed her, despite her best efforts to discourage her curiosity, before she finally gave in.

“I’ve already been disgraced here. I might as well add ‘trespasser’ to that list.”

Amelia spun around to make sure no one was watching, before she stepped out the door into the night. Amelia gasped at the sight. Tall hedges overflowing with boundless flowers, both local and exotic, stretched as far as the eye could see. The ground was paved with cobblestone bricks and sprinkled with flower petals which danced across the stone path whenever the wind picked up.

Amelia approached a cluster of flowers and delicately touched them with her hand. They were very soft to the touch, and their wondrous scent managed to make the sad girl her smile. Lattices and pillars masked in vines stretched out from in between the hedges like arms reaching out to embrace the sky. As she marveled at the scenery, Amelia began to lose herself in daydream and reverie.

She could see herself entering the garden, wearing a gown so gorgeous that even queen herself cry with jealousy. Amelia twirled around, pretending she was in this fantasy frock she dreamed up.

“Hehehe! Let’s see you try mocking me now!”

Her dress would be a deep shade of satin azure, detailed with intricate frill, lace and embroidery. The long skirt of her fanciful gown would be decorated with cute art of things like carousels and roses. Around her waist would be the arm of one of the most handsome men in the land, but who? Percy Caulder? Eric Thompson? There were so many to choose from, but Amelia had her eyes set on one in particular: the legendarily beautiful Anthony Langley.

“Oh, Anthony! Why don’t you come over here and share a dance with me? Don’t worry, I won’t bite! Yes, please, feel free to put an arm around me…or both. I don’t mind!”

Reveries of Anthony Langley wrapping her in his strong arms and holding her tight left Amelia swooning with passion and glee at thought of it all. Amelia had imagined it all in her head, now she wanted to act it out. Amelia climbed on top of a stone pedestal and flipped her hair in the breeze, smiling at her non-existent crowd.

“Why yes, my darlings” she announced. “I had the material for this marvelous gown imported from Eisen, and my personal tailor made it to fit me perfectly! It costs thousands for just one centimeter of this material, but that’s just pocket change to me! However, that’s not all, my lovelies!”

Amelia raised her left arm up and made a beckoning gesture towards a row of daffodils, and in her fantasy six handsome young men walked up to her. Her group of spectators wooed and gawked in awe as the young men surrounded Amelia. One man took each of her hands, ready to escort her on her way.

“I’m sorry, my pretties, but I’m afraid that I must be leaving you now! I have a date with my Anthony to attend to-”

So lost in her daydreaming, Amelia failed to remember that she was standing on a rather small platform. The girl toppled off the block, smacking her cheek hard against the cold stone bricks.

“Oh yeah…that’s right…gravity…”

As if to add insult to injury, the wind blew yet again, blowing her skirt upwards, exposing her frilly bloomers. Wincing in pain, Amelia picked herself up off the icy cobblestone and rubbed her sore cheek.

“What am I doing? Can’t I go one day without daydreaming like some little girl?”

Still reeling somewhat from the fall, Amelia got up and glanced around, praying to the goddesses that no one saw her in such a compromising position.

“I wish I could actually be happy tonight, if no other night of my life. Please, goddesses…”

The chilly night winds attacked her yet again, making her shiver. Amelia went to button up her red coat to keep warm, but to her dismay it was a much snugger fit than when she first tried it on a month ago, particularly in the midsection. Amelia frowned.

“Those stupid sugar cookies...”

The young lady’s thoughts were interrupted when she noticed the sound of rushing water echoing from within the labyrinth of flowers.

What’s that sound? It sounds like a pool or fountain of some kind. I’m not exactly in a rush to go back to the palace. I guess…I could check it out. I mean, who knows? It could be fun trying to find it, like being an adventurer!

Amelia followed the cobblestone path into the maze, eager to find where the sound was coming from. Seeing her way through the twists and turns of the grove was difficult at night, and oftentimes she found herself accidentally retracing her steps. Her search for the source of the rushing water greatly wore her out, but still the girl pressed on.

After much trekking through the royal garden, Amelia arrived at her destination. Her guess was correct: the source of the rushing water sound was an enormous fountain several meters wide, with a statue of the goddess Lacris in the center. Angelic wings stretched out from the goddess’ back, reaching nearly as wide as the fountain from wingtip to wingtip. Lacris was holding a small pot in her hands, with water pouring out of it into the fountain. Various types of waterlily peppered the water’s surface, bobbing up and down like miniature boats.

“What a sight! The Royal Family really spared no expense when it came to creating this place. She looks so majestic.”

Spotting a stone bench by the water’s edge, Amelia took a seat. Her feet ached from walking on the stone pathway for so long, but it was worth the pain to her. Listening to the distant sound of music and singing, along with the quiet roar of the fountain, Amelia was about to return to her romantic fantasies when she realized that the singing wasn’t coming from the palace, but…right in the garden. Right where she was at.

Amelia peered around but saw no source of the singing.

“Huh? Is someone else here with me? Please, don’t let it be one of those snobby socialites from the palace!”

Standing back on her feet, she walked around the fountain and discovered who the mysterious voice belonged to. Sitting on an identical bench on the other side of the fountain was a man, hunched over with his arms resting on his knees and a glass of wine in his right hand. His coat and shirt were laying on the ground beside him, allowing Amelia to see that he was not a weak man by any means. The singing man had an exceptionally strong physique, with his arms and chest thickened by muscle. Upon closer inspection, Amelia noticed that the singing man’s body was scarred in many places, with the worst of them being a large scar that ran from his right shoulder to his left lower back.

“Scars…those scars…”

Feeling intimidated by the man, Amelia took a step back and stumbled on one of the loose stone bricks that jutted up from the ground. She fell backwards, smacking the back of her head against the edge of the fountain.

Amelia’s senses were very fuzzy, but she could hear a distorted voice calling out to her as she rubbed her head.

“…milady, are you alright?”

As her senses returned to normal, her eyes could now see that the man was kneeling down beside her, one hand extended out to her. The girl’s gaze shifted from his outstretched hand to his face, where she met his gaze. His eyes were dual-toned, with a deep purple in the center that changed to dark crimson on the edges. Amelia had always believed that she could tell who someone was based off their eyes, and from this man, she felt compassion residing within him, along with something else she couldn’t quite describe.

Whatever this feeling was, it made it rather difficult to look away from such beautiful and exotic eyes. When Amelia finally managed to shift her attention away from his eyes, she looked over the rest of his face. The man’s features were sharp yet youthful and his skin was light tan. The man was a dark brunette and his hair was medium length, with the exception of his long bangs which were combed off to the side, revealing his widow’s peak. His lips were curled into a soft smile.

Amelia snapped out of her stupor and awkwardly replied “Yes, I-I’m fine”.

She took his hand and he gently pulled her up off the ground.

“I’m glad you’re alright, milady” the man spoke.

His voice sounded deep and fiery, but his tone was soft and reserved.

“Thanks” chuckled Amelia as she brushed the dirt off her petticoat. “I-I haven’t exactly had a thrilling night so far, and I don’t want the most memorable part of tonight to be a head injury.”

“That’s putting it mildly, Amelia!” The man smiled. “That certainly wouldn’t be a fond memory. Imagine how embarrassing it would be to explain to your friends how you hurt yourself in the home of the Royal Family of all places.”

Amelia giggled at his comment.

The man turned his attention towards Amelia’s torn skirt, shocked at the sight of such a thing.

“What happened to your skirt, milady?”

Amelia glanced down at her ruined skirt, holding part of it in her hand.

“Thank the queen and her temper for that. The prince wanted to talk to me during the party, but it seems the queen didn’t want her son messing with a ‘poor girl’ like me. Don’t worry about it, though, okay?”

Letting go of her skirt, Amelia looked back up towards the man.

“You don’t have to keep calling me ‘milady’, you know. Just call me Amelia Rosen.”

The man repeated her name, before taking a bow.

“That’s a very pretty name, Amelia.”

The girl grinned.

“Tell me, Amelia, what brings you to the palace, tonight?”

The young lady fell silent, unsure whether she should tell him the truth.

“…my family…runs a bakery in the north side of the city. We were asked along with a few other bakeries to provide food for the event tonight. That’s pretty much the only reason why I’m here.” The man turned away from Amelia for a moment to think, before gesturing.

“Wait, Amelia, was your family the one who made those sugar cookies?”

Amelia paused, before smiling as she scratched her head. Her eyes looked away, though as she spoke her eyes would occasionally glance over at the man.

“Yeah, that’s the one alright! We came up with a new recipe for the sugar cookies last month, in preparation for tonight.”

The man smirked as he turned to face Amelia.

“Well then, I guess the new recipe was a success. I saw swarms of people getting them in the dining hall. I managed to snag one to try, and I thought it tasted rather delicious. Bravo to whoever came up with the recipe.”

Amelia gracefully curtsied at his compliment.

“You created it, Amelia?”

She nodded with a large grin.

“Yeah! I worked my rear end off coming up with the recipe, trying and tasting all different kinds of combinations, but I have to say that I love how they came out! I could sit down and have four or five of them! They-”

Amelia paused mid-sentence when she remembered how tightly her coat was fitting lately, before awkwardly changing the subject.

“S-So what is it that you do, mister-”

A sudden thought occurred to Amelia.

You dummy! You’ve been talking to him for a few minutes now and you haven’t tried asking his name?!

The girl shifted around slightly, trying hard not to look too embarrassed.

“I…uh…kind of just remembered…I…uh…forgot to ask you your name, mister.”

Finishing the last of his wine, the man briskly walked over to where he was sitting to retrieve his clothes.

“I go by Samuel Amsel, though my men and superiors refer to me as ‘Sir Samuel’. To be honest, though, I just prefer ‘Samuel’. It’s not too fancy or intimidating.”

Amelia followed behind him, her face one of intrigue.

“'Sir'? Do you work for the Royal Family then, Samuel?”

Samuel paused mid-way through putting on his coat, allowing Amelia to see that it wasn’t any ordinary coat, but what looked like some kind of uniform.

“Well, I suppose you could say that. I’m an officer in the 1st Armored Corps.”

This bit of information made Amelia pause with awe, as she had never seen a soldier in-person before, let alone met one.

“You’re a soldier, Samuel?”

As the man finished donning his coat, he turned towards her, with the starlight of the night glistened in his eyes as he did so.

“Yes, though personally, I’ve always seen myself as something or a modern-day knight, so to speak. The only difference is my suit of armor stands, oh I don’t know, about as tall as this palace.”

Samuel gestured with his hands to help show just how colossal he meant.

“Oh, so you pilot one of those giant machines that I keep hearing my father talking about? That’s really amazing!”

Samuel smirked as he placed his hands on his hips and spoke out in a dramatic voice.

“I don’t just pilot any machine! Oh no, I have one of the most powerful machines of all: The Corinthian! Foes cower in fear at the mere sight of it!”

The young lady giggled at his antics, pretending to cheer on Samuel as though he were some actor in a play. When his little performance was done, he chuckled lightly.

“To be more serious though, I plan on leaving the military once I finish my service term at the end of the month. I’m proud to be a knight, but I think that it’s time for me to move on with my life.”

Amelia nodded in acknowledgement.

“Good luck with that, and thank you, Samuel Amsel. May the goddesses bless you!”

The girl smiled as she curtsied before turning back towards the palace, intending to return to the party. After all, she still had her duties to her family to take care of while they were working here. However, as she took her first step, something inside her made her stop.

This man seems like a nice guy. I haven’t exactly had a thrilling night so far either, and he’s not too bad looking. Maybe…

Amelia spun around and strode back towards him.

“Actually Samuel, I hope you don’t mind but I’d like to ask you something.”

Samuel glanced over at her.

“And what might that be, Amelia?”

The young lady opened her mouth to speak, yet no words came out.

Oh come on, Amelia! Not now! Please, great goddesses, give me strength! I really need it right now!

Taking a deep breath of cold night air, Amelia tried again.

“I-I’d…l-l-like to know i-if you’d like to s-s-share a dance…with…me…”

Her voice fizzled out and she stood there, cheeks blushing.


Samuel scratched his head and laughed, his voice crackling like flame.

“Certainly, milady! It’s not my place to turn down an offer to share a dance.”

Amelia’s heart was about to explode.

Great goddesses! That actually worked?! How?!

Before she could think about it any further, Samuel spoke.

“If you don’t mind me asking, milady, why did you ask me of all people? There are plenty of other men here who would be happy to dance with such a beautiful woman as yourself.”

Amelia’s already red cheeks blushed even more with that compliment.

Oh goddess Lacris, he called me beautiful! What am I supposed to say?!

Again, Amelia’s nervousness struck and she looked away from Samuel.

“…I…um…I didn’t f-feel comfortable b-being in the palace. I mean I’m happy I finally got to go inside the Royal Palace, but with the queen and everyone else…”

Turning her gaze back to Samuel, he was now standing before her, his arm outstretched for her to take.

“I know what you mean. You don’t have to explain.”

Samuel’s eyes met hers, and as she gazed once more into his eyes, she relaxed.

“Now then, Amelia Rosen, shall we dance?”

Amelia, you will never have this chance again. Take it.

With every ounce of courage she had, Amelia reached out at took his arm.

The stars shined brightly upon the two as Samuel wrapped one arm around Amelia while she did the same. His strong arm was tender and warm against her back, which felt good in the chilly night air. Amelia was astounded that such a strong man could be so delicate. It was like he was holding her the same way one would hold the blossom of a rare flower.

As they danced, Amelia’s own arm could feel his muscles that lay beneath his uniform, and it made her smirk. Amelia again looked into Samuel’s eyes, and her heart was filled with feelings and desires that grew stronger the longer she stared.

What is this? I…I want…him…but why? I only met him tonight, but…why am I feeling like this?

Without realizing it, Amelia drew closer to Samuel, placing her head against his chest.

What the?! What am I doing?!

Amelia was about to scold herself, but the sound of Samuel’s heartbeat and his heavenly embrace convinced her otherwise. Wrapped in his arms, Amelia could feel his heat radiate throughout her body, filling her with a strong euphoria she had never before experienced.

“Well Amelia, you certainly seem to be enjoying yourself!” With her cheeks more red than a rose, Amelia grinned at him. “Y-yeah, I am. For being the daughter of a baker, I never thought I could have a night like this.”

Samuel laughed, knowing that at least someone was enjoying his company. In the arms of a kind gentleman, Amelia hummed along to the distant music as the clocks of the palace struck midnight. The symphony may have been playing for the Royal Family that night, but in Amelia’s mind, the music rang for her in this fantasy-turned-reality of hers. For what may be the only time in her life, the night belonged to her.

